Woo Hoo!!!! The Lord is so good!
We started revival last night, I must say I have fallen in a rut and had the mind set I didn't need revival. WHOOOO...Don't ever think you don't need revival cause sister that is the moment you need it. The Lord set a fire under my back side and put me right on my knees where I needed to be.
I have been numb to say the least most of this year with all of my loses. I had lost my direction and drive to serve the Lord. I still depended on him every day to help me through but I wasn't serving him. I was an existing... no action for the Lord in my life.
While on my knees I ask the Lord to be merciful to me and forgive me for sinning by omission... I omitted my service as a child of God's and just existed! Blah!!!! Not what the children of the King is to do we are to be his hands and feet... I was neither. So I ask the Lord to just show me how to take the first step again and in what direction did he want my life to go in; How did he want me to use my talent s to serve him.
At this point of my life this year I had lost sight of what talents I had been blessed with and how god intended me to be a vital part of his body.
Woo Hoo! This morning he has allowed me to see not one, not two, but three steps I need to take for him right now and I have embraced them with great excitement. How great is our God that he is mindful of our needs and when we ask he blesses us.
Genesis 41:52 Joseph named his second son Ephraim. What does that have to do with me and you? Read on my friend...The meaning...For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my afflictions. WOW.
Where I am right at this point in my life, in all the pain and heart ache I bear, God will cause me to be fruitful. Not just multiply but to be productive for his kingdom. Yes my Sisters in Christ right where you are in the mist of you afflictions God can cause you to become fruitful (productive) for his glory. How awesome is that?
Fall on you knees and ask for direction to take that first step and see what he allows you to achieve.
Dear Heavenly Father bless my Sisters who read this and show them the next step that they must take for you. Give them the peace in knowing that you will cause them to be productive for you, in this world of confusion, to bring honor and glory to your Kingdom.
Thank you for being merciful to us. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen