When God Speaks We Don't Always Listen.
My children were never real good at listening to me when I used a soft voice. It always seemed I had to raise my voice above theirs and have a strong stern tone to it. I did have five children spaced two years apart and it did get loud at my house. I had four boys and a girl. Poor girl? no poor boys! My daughter was the oldest and she made the boys lives miserable.
Through all of the different personalities and moods I had to take a strong firm tone when I requested my children to do things. It is that way in my relationship with the Lord...I think he has to take a stern strong voice to get my attention above the chaos in my life.
But that is not the kind of relationship I want with the Lord. Besides he is not always stern with us. In I Kings 19:12 Elijah was overwrought and had been going through alot of storms or trials and God saw all of this chaos in his life. The children of Israel was not being obedient and Elijah was put out. So he called upon the Lord and the Lord sent him unto Horeb the Mount of God. While he was there he experienced earthquakes and fire and more chaos. It was in the middle of all of that chaos that Elijah hear a still small voice which was the Lords. It was that small voice that Elijah obeyed and continued on in the will of the Lord. God wasn't in the earthquake and he wasn't in the fire but he was waiting on Elijah to get still enough to hear the small whisper of his voice.
When we have chaos in our lives we look for God but there are times he isn't in the storms of life he just allows them to put us in the place where we can hear the small voice of the Lord. In Psalms 46 God tells us to be still and know that he is God. I wonder why we are always looking for the big things to be from God and we over look the small?
As you go about your day to day activities take the time to be still and know who God is. Listen for the whispers on your heard and don't dismiss them because they aren't the loud ground shaking sounds we expect to hear. Be still...and listen.
Prayers and Hugs,
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