Why is it people only see that which they think to be real? Are these eyes angry, sad, happy, or hurt? It would be wrong for us to try and determine what is really being said here without seeing the whole picture.
As children of God we often do that very same thing...look at someone and determine their value and worth not looking at the complete picture. In Genies 1:27 God said he created man in his own image. Did you ever stop and think how powerful those words are? We are created in God's own image...How amazing is that? I tremble at the thought of how special God sees me and yet how little I value myself as his creation.
I have been down on myself because I feel like I have been slacking and not doing enough for the Lord. Ya see I am still placing human thinking in the mind of Christ. I cant begin to comprehend how he perceives me and how he values me as his child. I understand so little when it comes how much God loves me and could send his Son to die for me.
In Jeremiah 29:11 God tells me He know the thoughts that he thinks toward me...thoughts of peace and not evil so I will have an expected end.
He also tells me when I call upon him go and pray to him and he will hear me. How awesome is that? God will take time to listen to a sinner like me that isn't worthy of his love. To God I am worthy and so are you. God is waiting to to shower us with blessings but it is our human way of thinking that hinders our Lord from truly blessing us. In verse 13 he tells me that if I seek him and search for him with all my heart I will find him...this saith the Lord!
I read these verses to my Father over and over as he laid dying in the Hospice house. I felt like my Father was being punished because of his life lived in sin. He gave his heart to the Lord shortly before he went to the Hospice house and I know the Lord was with him but I doubted God reasoning for my Fathers suffering. God showed me these verses so I could read them to my Father, as well as my comfort.
God doesn't want us to give in to our enemies but to be victorious in all walks of life. If we will just seek him with all of our heart every day he will bring us peace even in the midst of a storm.
He gave me peace and comfort as I watched my Father wither away and die. He said to me :I know your Fathers expected end and it is much greater than his life...He will live forever!
I ask you that if you are doubting yourself and God's love for you seek Him...
Thank you for that post. I found it to be very encouraging as I am a pansy Christian who is in constant doubt of herself. It feels good to remember the God of the universe knows me and has plans for me, and for some odd reason--beyond my knowledge and understanding--loves me.
Thank you for reading my post. I am sorry for not responding until now. My life has taking many blows from the Devil since then and I have neglected many things. God has seen me through and I pray I will be posting more soon. May God strengten you and may you always know how important you are to the Lord.
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